

shadows of brilliance

cast upon me

from the edges of this world I understand


existence speaks-

what is the meaning?


what is it that I look for

when I gaze upon your face?

when I lay with you

skin upon skin

and feel the humming flow of lived experience

connecting us?


what mystery do I walk within?

all around me

living, dying

in the smell of spring’s earth

            and the face of a man who glances behind himself

once, quickly

as he crosses the street


and me standing so close


to something

something I want so much to comprehend


what will it take

to break me open

to shatter my heart

so that it can come in?


how does possibility become aware

of itself?

            how does beauty awaken?


                                in the green curl of a leaf


the soft step of a loved one

crouching to pick up a book that has fallen

without waking the one

who fell asleep reading it.


how can I go inside the inner?

my mind balks at what my heart



follow me

follow me where?

there is no where to go

I am stuck within myself

within this form


and when I breathe my

dying breath

who will claim it?

who will fling it to the heavens

so that it might take part

in the celestial patterns?


I wonder these

            and many things.